Virtusa Paper4

1. x1 peach + y1 plum = z1 apple, x2 peach + y2 plum = z2 apple ,(x1,y1 .... z2 are integer values) How many peaches make one apple?

Here multiply both equation by y2 and y1 resply

(X1 peach +Y1 pulm =Z1 apple)Y2

(X2 peach + Y2 pulm= Z2 apple)Y1


X1Y2peach+ Y1Y2 pulm= Y2Z1apple


Now sub both eq than common terms of plum will be cancelled

Then we get one Apple=(X1Y2-X2Y1/Z1Y2-Z2Y1)peach

2. 100,100,102,106,112,120,_130

Here the difference between each number increase by multiple of 2

100+0 and 100+2 and 102+4 .......

3. Which is greater ?Product of all Bradman's first class scores or Sum of all test scores of Sachin.

No data given

4. U r provided with 500ml and 300ml jar(it has no markings).
) u have to measure exactly 100ml.

Jar 1(500) jar2(300)

Intial fill j2 0 300 (j2 to j1)

Pour in 300 0

Again fill j2 300 300(j2 to j1)

J1willbfull500 100(remain in j2)

b) u have to measure exactly 200ml.

Jar 1(500) jar2(300)

Intial fill j1 500 0 (j1 to j2)

J2 will be full 200 300

5. Using four 4's u have to make 1 ... 10. ( for eg. 1 = (4/4)*(4/4) 2 = ? 10 = ? )

(4-4)+(4/4)=1 or 44^(4-4)



Sqrt (4*4)+(4-4)=4

Sqrt (4*4)+(4/4)=5

Sqrt (4)*(4-(4/4))=6





6. student,canopy,thirst,... are the words given.u have to group the words using the following words
2) Teacher
3) Deft

It is nothing but match the following

7. U have to cut a Pizza using 7 st. lines(wit out rearranging) and u have to obtain maximum number of pieces.( Give generalised solution..)


8 A problem from sum of Alphabets are given numbers from 1 - 9 we hav to assign numbers to alphabets and A+B+C= something like that we have to know value of E

Question incomplete

9.In an exam consists of 150 questions, 50 questions are of mathematics and remaining are others. In which twice the time is to be given to mathematics bit when compared to time is 3 hrs then how much time is to be given to each bit of mathematics?

Let x be the time taken by the other subjects then time taken maths is 2x

Then 50(2x)+100(x) =180




Then time taken by the maths =2*9/10*60=108sec

10)In an multiple choice question paper, each correct answer carries 4 marks and each wrong answer deducts 2 marks. a person scores 480 marks in a 150 questions paper how many questions he did correctly?

Let the correct ans be x and wrong ans be y

Then X+Y=150 à(1)

And for 1 crt ans it carry 4mark and for 1 wrng it carry 2 mark

Then 4X-2Y=480à(2) then mul eq(1) with 2 and add with eq(2)

Then Y terms will be cancelled then we get eq as 6X=780 then X=130

11)A problem on work and time. A can do a work in 6 days B can do same work in 8 days, C can complete the same in 12 days.A under took 3 works like that and did for 8 days and left. Then B started work and did for some days and left then in how many days C completes this work?

No of day work by B is not given. If data is given we should have to submit in this formula m(a)+n(b)+o(c)=1

12)total M persons want to buy a gift of D Rs. Out of which 3 members are dropped out so how much each person have to pay extra ?

Let no.of rupees per head is =D/M

Now 3 members dropped ,no .of rupees per 3mem is =3(D/M)

Then this amount should be divided between rest of the members i.e. M-3

Then =3(D/M)/ (M-3)


13)A monkey trying to ascend a greesy pole.He ascends 20 mtrs in one minute and goes down 4 mtrs in next much time it will take to ascend pole of 96 mtrs?

20 -1min










96-10min 48sec



16mts remaining

Remaining time 16*3=48sec

14)On a good if 25% discount is given, he will earn profit of 25% what will be profit if he gives 10% discount?


S.P=1.25c.p equating both


5c.p=3d à(1)




so 50% is the profit.

15)A container has 64 lit of alcohol. 8 lit of which is removed and added with same amt of water. the same process is repeated 3times. what is the percentage of alcohol after the end of the

There is a direct formula


Where X is quantity present in the container

Y is quantity removed

n is no.of process

after the end of third operation is



16)x+y+z=0, find the value of (x**3+y**3+z**3)/xyz.

Formula of a3+b3+c3-3abc=(a+b+c)(a2+b2+c2-ab-bc-ac)

If a+b+c=0 then a3+b3+c3=3abc

=(xyz)/ (xyz)


17)3 men n 2boys can do piece of work in 12 days. same work is done by 6men n 1 boy in 6 days. find how many days can a man alone can complete the work?

Here 3m+2b=1/12 à(1)

6m+1b=1/6 à(2)

Mul eq(2)with 2 and sub eq(1) from this

Then b will be cancelled


36 days

18)In an exam the maximum marks is 500. a got 20% more than b, b got 25% less than c, c got 20% more than d. if b marks are 360 then how much did d score? (no. r different prob type is the same.)

Here marks scored by B is given i.e 360 and we should have to take it as 100%(w.r.t B)and we should have to solve the problems

Now marks scored by A is 20%more than B then A=marks scored byB*1.2



Marks scored by C is 25% more than B(since B score is 25%less than C means C is 25%more than B)



For D we should have take ref of C, D=marks of C*0.8



18) Find the odd word
Ans: Delta, Reason: as it has specific meaning(addition)and others don't

19)You are given a bunch of threads each having differing length. No two thereads have same thickness and no thread has same length. But it is certified that any thread when lit burns itself in exactly 12 mins. The question is you are asked to find an elapsed time of 9 minuites. How can u find it out and how many threads do u want for this?

Whatever may be the length and thickness the time taken by the thread to burn is 12min. Then take two threads T1,T2 lit T1on both sides and T2 on one side. After 6min T1will be completely burnt then lit theT2 which is half burnt in first 6min for another 3min T2will completely burns. Total time is 9 min.

20)How can u get 81 using the digits 2,3,25,50,75,100 only once using any of the arithmatic operator Key Steps: 50+(100/75*3)+25+2

Sol:(100/75) is (4/3) and multiplied by 3 then the ans is 4 and we should nave to add with other i.e.50+25+2+4=81

This type of question are repeatedly giving in every paper so be prepared to do such questions using all arithmetic operators.

21)one question from series

22)one question from venndiagram

23)Attention to details:
In this section, some questions like the following are given--
if $ represents 1 n * represents 0; then wt is the value ****$$$$

Whatever they may give just see what is given to 0 and1 and don’t concentrate on other i.e. other will be double to 2 means $* and for 3 $$ like that...

Some examples are 0 is denoted as * and 1 as @

Or 0 is denoted as * and 1 as $ all these are in binary form

****$$$$ here $=1 and 0=* convert it into binary form i.e.
