Virtusa Paper1

Virtusa Paper

2 Marks * 5 Questions = 10 Marks 


1) 1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 3, ____ What is the next 
number in the series and he asked the reason also? 
2) There are 4 coins, you have to arrange them in a 2 
rows so that each row should have 3 coins each and 
reason for that? 
3) Find the odd Word out? 
4) Find the odd word out? 
5) In Chess Board, how many knights can u arrange so 
that no two knights will attack each other? 
and He explained the problem.. using mathematical 
positions of the knights like (x+1, y), (x+1, y+1) 
and so on upto 8 points in which way the KNIGHT 
travels in the CHESS BOARD? 

4 marks * 5 Questions = 20 marks 

1) if SATURN 
In this Each LETTER represents a single DIGIT. 
Now you have to find atleast 3 digits. no need to 
find all DIGITS? 
2) 1, 2, 3, 25, 50, 75, 100 using these digits once 
and only once with basic operators you have make 81? 
3) There are 11 Huge boxes, 8 large boxes, 8 small 
boxes. Now there is a table first someone put 11 Huge 
boxes on the table and in some of them he added 8 
large boxes, and then he put small boxes in large 
boxes. Finally he has left 102 boxes empty. Now How 
many large boxes were kept in huge boxes and small 
boxes were kept in large boxes. (Just similar to 
this.. question… not reminded clearly… check it out….) 
Ans: Key Steps: 
4) He gave one series based on the last 3 letters of 
the SOLAR PLANET SYSTEM keeping tow of them blank and 
asked us to find them. it was very easy. 
SUN, ARS, URY, ____, …______, UTO 
Ans: RTH and one another (EARTH and some thing) 
5) A Problem on ROPES… 
There were some ropes that are of different lengths 
and different thickness. Each can burn in 12 minutes 
individually. If we are given 9 minutes as ELAPSED 
TIME how many ropes can be burnt in that time. (Just 
Similar to this…. Check out with some other friends). 

15 Marks * 1 Question = 15 Marks 
(This is the important and may be most important eliminate process in Virtusa) 
1) Write the advantages of "all the rivers linked together in India" and gave one note that this should 
be published in Computer Magazine. (May be his intention is to explain the Topic using Computer Words) 

10 Marks * 4 Questions = 40 Marks 


(Note: You may use language of programming to write 
the following codes) 

1) Write a program to print all the four digit numbers 
whose squares must have all the even digits. 
2) Write a program to print the pyramid up to the 
passed integer value. 

2 3 
4 5 6 
7 8 9 10 
11 12 13 … 
If we pass the value 13 it should print like 
the above (no need to print the 3 dots) 
3) In a certain DATABASE we had to store the TIMESTAMP 
for each record. Is there any way store in an 
efficient way to store (Memory)? The Time stamp has 
the following fields. Year, Month, Date, Hour and 
Minutes. Discuss the design such DATASTRUCTURE. 

4) Write a function which takes one string S, one 
character X, one more Character Y which should return 
the longest substring in the String S, which starts 
with the X and ends with Y? 


The pattern was 

1)aptitude:- It was not multiple choice but fill in 
the blank along with a reasoning for your answer. 
2) Essay Writing :-to testyour communication skills. 
3)Open-Ended Problem Solving: only one question 
4)Programming: 4 programs-2 programs r to be written,1 
to findthe bugs given ina pseudo code,1 to find what a 
program does and its limitations. 

DATE OF TEST : June 2004

-> In how many different ways, a rectangle can be cut 
into 4 identical parts. 

==> using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 25, 50, 75, 100 Exactly 
one time, give an expression which will give the 
answer as 383. 
==> Ans:100*3+75+(50/25)^(2+1) 

-> using the numbers 1, 2, 25, 50, 75, 100 Exactly one 
time, give an expression which will give the answer as 

-> volume of sphere is (PI)*(Theta) Cubic-meters and 
Surface area is (PI)*(Epslon) Square-meters And both 
are 4 digit integer numbers. What is the value of 

-> Inthe figure given below, Replace '?' mark by any 
operator (+, -, *, /, =) and if we leave as it is, 
numbers are considered together and forms either 2 or 
3 digit numer. Generate an expression using some 

| ? | 2 | ? | 3 | 
| 2 | | ? | 
------- ------ 
| ? | | 1 | 
| 6 | ? | 1 | ? | 

-> Analise the Programe 

int x=1,y=1; 
while( (x > 0) && (y > 0) ){ 
x += y; 
y += x; 

-> Start from a random number, generate a sequence 
such that if number is odd multiply it 3 and add 1. If 
number is even, divide the number by 2. This Sequence 
will always cyclic with 4, 2, 1. In this sequesce, 
find the maximum power of 2 generaged in the sequence 
and print only the power, not the sequence. 

-> Start with a random 2 digit number, The series is 
generated by multiplying the number by 2 and placing 
the last 2 digits as the next number. Series continues 
until one of the element repeats. 

-> write a function maxsubstring(str,alpha,theta) str 
is the source string and have to return maximum sub 
string which starts with alpha and ends with theta. 


-> what will this line will do? if it is legal? 
B -= (B < 0) * 2 * B; 

-> what does this function do?? 

int f(int p) 

int i = 0, t = 1, s = 1; 
while( s <= p) 

t += 2; 
s += s; 

return i; 

-> explain What is divide and conuer method? 
Travelling salse man problem 
What is greedy method 

-> How Neural Networks and A.I are related. 

-> Tell me something about your self 

-> Where will you see your self after 5 years 

-> You awnt to shift your career to management side or 
be in technical side? 

-> What you do in free time 

-> Interests other than studies 

-> How do you rate your self in 'C' Programming 

DATE OF TEST : 9 June 2004

Pattern: (No multiple choice Qns) 

4 Sections. 

1.Analytical Reasoning (12 qns.) 

(we have to write reasons for the answer.) 

( I don't remember exactly what they had given.I am 
putting it in my own words) 

1) x1 peach + y1 plum = z1 apple 
x2 peach + y2 plum = z2 apple 
(x1,y1 .... z2 are integer values) 
How many peaches make one apple? 

2) 100,100,102,106,112,120,____ 

3) which is greater ? 
Product of all Bradman's first class scores or Sum 
of all test scores of Sachin. 

4) U r provided with 500ml and 300ml jar(it has no 
a) u have to measure exactly 100ml. 
b) u have to measure exactly 200ml. 

5) Using four 4's u have to make 1 ... 10. 
( for eg. 1 = (4/4)*(4/4) 
2 = ? 

10 = ? ) 

6) student,canopy,thirst,... are the words given. 
u have to group the words using the following words 

etc..(i don't remember some of words) 

7) U have to cut a Pizza using 7 st. lines(wit out 
rearranging) and u have to obtain maximum number of 

( Give generalised solution..) 

8) U have to cut a Cylindrical cake of diameter 32 cm 
and height 20 cm in to 12 equal pieces. 

9) In a village there r 2 groups. 

1) Knight -> always tell true 
2) Knave -> always tell false 

Mr.X met a man of that village(u don't which grp he 
belongs) and questioned "Tell me whether u r knight 
or knave ?" 

Reply: "i cannot tell u and left that place" 

Find which grp that man belongs to? 

10) obtain 277 from 3,25,50,65,100.use 4 arithmetic 
operations only. 

11) 1#2=x ,2#3=y, 4#4=z 

4@14=a, 5@15=b, d@e=f 

( i don't remember values for x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f) 

find (2#4)@5= ? 

12) (i don't remember what they had given.) 
It is just example for that question, 

CODE is encoded as DGBF 
READ is encoded as JHNV 

2. Essay(General). 
(Topic given: India should spend money on Atom bomb 
and Rocket OR for the welfare of poor.) 

3. Problem solving. 
(Problem statement: How will u determine number of 
Petrol bunks in Madras.) 

4. Programming.(4 Qns) 
( we can use any Programming Language for coding) 

a) They had given one function ,we have to find it 
what it does and also problem in the fn. and how to 
overcome it. 

double what( double z, int y) 

double answer; 

while( y > 0 ) 

if( y%2 == 1) 
answer = answer * z; 

return answer; 

b) They had given one Pseudocode.We have to find bug 
in the pseudocode. 

I don't remeber the pseudocode fully.But the 
function of pseudocode is 
"To make a Robot to fetch a tumbler of water" 

c) write a program to print all Armstrong numbers, 
(for eg. 153=1^3+5^3+3^3) 
d) write a function witj the following conditions, 
1)It should have one integer parameter. 
2)If the value passed is -ve, return -1. 
3)If the value passed is a perfect square, return 
root of that number. 
4)If the value passed is a not a perfect square, 
return that number itself. 


Virtusa Paper consists of 3 sections . 
1. Analytical 
2. Analytical Writing 
3. C-Programming 

First when v clear the cutoff of Analytical 
section,only then other 
r evaluated.So,Don't waste time by spending much time 
on Programming. 

Analytical Section: 

Analytical Section consists of Vocab. ( pick the odd 
one out ) and 
some codings like ( ALPHA z coded as BETAH , DELTA z 
coded as GAMMA, 
then how z 
ETA coded ? .. this one .. i have framed it :) ) . 
This part z a bit 
difficult one. 
So, my advice z don't think much about these. 

Along with above two categories, there shall be 
PUZZLES in this 
section.In the 
recent paper i attended,i got the following 

1.Volume of a LARGE SPHERE z ( pi * # ) .Area of it z 
( pi * & ) where 
'#,&' r four digit 
integers.What z the value of the radius ? ( Along 
with answer , v 
have to write 

answer: may be 22 

2.In howmany ways can a rectangle can be cut into 4 
equal parts. 

3.Given 1,2,3,25,50,75 and 100 .. Using each number 
"one and only 
once" and using 
arithmetic operators, write 383 in terms of the 
above given numbers. 

answer: 383 = ( 100 + 2 ) * 3 + 75 + ( (50 * 1)/2 ) 

4.A tougher question of above. given 1,2,25,50,75,100 
.. write 383 in 
terms of the given 

5.Given following sequence,find the how the sequence 
is generated. 
2 -> 1,4,9,6,5,6,9,4,1,0 
3 -> 1,8,7,4,5,6,3,2,9,0 
4 -> 1,6,1,6,5,6,1,6,1,0 

answer : the sequences r nothing but the UNIT digits 
square(x),cube(x),power4(x) where 
x = [ 1 ... 10 ] 

6.Knights always tell TRUTH.Knaves always tell LIE.U 
r a foreigner to 
that place and 
U have met a person and he replies "I am a knave " . 
What can u infer 
from his 

answer : nothing can be infered from his statement. 

7. using 4 fours and arithmetic operations 
write from 1 to 10 

3 = ( 4 + 4 + 4 ) / 4 

4 = ( 4 - 4 ) * 4 + 4 

5 = ( 4 * 4 + 4 ) / 4 

6 = 4 + ( 4 + 4 )/4 // 4 + 2 

7 = ( 4 + 4 ) - ( 4 / 4 ) 

8 = ( 4 + 4 ) * ( 4 / 4 ) 

9 = ( 4 + 4 ) + ( 4 / 4 ) 

10 = ( 44 - 4 ) / 4 

I forget the two more questions. 

Analytical Writing : 

This section has two questions only. 

1.General topic. ( Don't forget that v have to just 
write one page 
only .. not an essay) 
( So,write the points directly ) 

For us they gave topics 

Is it necessary for to HOST AFROASIAN GAMES ?? Why 
can't it spend 
that money 
for the welfare of poor ? 


Can India have better results if the current for of 
govt. is changed 

2.He gives a highly impossible possible and asks to 
give a solution.( 
To check ur 
innovative ideas :) ) 

For us, 

Suppose u have suddenly changed to an ANT.U know 
abilities,but u have 
forgot their language.How can u make urself to 
convey ur BELOVED that 
u have 
been changed to an ANT. 

Programming : 

This section consists of 4 questions.Out of 4, for 3 
questions v have 
to write 
code.The last question shall be .. they shall give 
some code and v 
have to write whether 
the code is correct one r not .. if not correct , 
where the 
modifications show be done. 
and also v have to write what that CODE IS DOING