
I am Subhrojit Chowdhury from G.N.I.T. Kolkata. Recently I have been placed in Honeywell Automation India Limited. I would like to share my experience with you guys.

Selection Process
1>Written Test.
2>Technical Interview.
3>H R Interview.

Written Test
It consisted of 2 parts General Maths, General English.....Almost 1500 students
 appeared for the test and 43 students cleared the aptitude test. After that we had our technical round 21 cleared the round. At last 14 of us cleared the H R round.
General Maths (30 questions)
1>R.S Agarwal Will do The job.
simple percentage, profit and loss, work and wages etc

General English (15 questions)
1>Consult GRE Barrons.
Synonyms, Antonyms,Paragraph